Support Page Content
General Guidelines
A volunteer may perform work or provide services without compensation for a quarter, semester, academic year, calendar year, session, or any part thereof. Work or services performed may be on an ongoing basis or for a short-term event. Volunteers may perform a variety of functions in support of campus activities.
It is not the intent that volunteers replace or supplant the work performed by CSU employees (represented or non-represented). As such, volunteers may not be used in full-time, long-term assignments. Volunteer assignments are generally expected to be sporadic or of limited duration (e.g., assistance with special events or volunteering on a part-time basis over the course of a term)
Volunteers are not employees of the California State University (this includes current CSU employees when they are performing volunteer duties), and are therefore not eligible for or entitled to compensation for services, sick leave, vacation accrual, retirement, and/or insurance benefits for their hours of volunteer service.
Volunteer Essentials
- Volunteer Policy Requirements
- Volunteer Registration Form (Department Initiated)- Acrobat Sign
- Instructions for Volunteer Registration Form
- Volunteer Driver Registration Form (Department Initiated) - Acrobat Sign
- Instructions for Volunteer Driver Registration Form
Parking Permit Information
Department needs to provide Human Resources/Employment Services with the following:
- Complete Volunteer Application Form.
- If departments need a pdf version of the Volunteer Application Form, it can be requested by emailing
- If a background is required, the volunteer will be contacted via e-mail with instructions on completing the process.
- Statement Acknowledging Requirement to Report Child Abuse and Neglect (Attachment C, page 26) from the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (EO 1083 Revised July 21, 2017)
Volunteers should not begin volunteering until paperwork has been approved by Human Resources.
Send completed documents to: Human Resources/Employment Services, campus mailstop 6032.
Once the background check is cleared (if necessary) and all paperwork approved, an e-mail will be sent to the volunteer and supervisor to confirm they can begin the volunteer duties.